7 Ways to Get More Sales from Your Website
As a Web design and marketing firm, HRB is receiving more requests from its clients to develop websites that generate leads and sales. Your website is the most powerful sales and marketing tool...
View ArticleSpin Doctors or PR Strategists?
DJs are a totally different type of "spin doctor", but they too know the importance of a "hook". One of the many reasons HRB is called upon for its PR expertise is because companies are looking for...
View ArticlePresidential Candidate Rick Perry Visits HRB Client D. C. Taylor Co.
We’re grateful for the iPhone and iPad app for Cover it Live. Texas Governor Rick Perry addresses the national media and some 60 D. C. Taylor Co. employees Tuesday in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Maximizing a...
View ArticleAre You Converting Your Leads Into Sales?
Marketing that defines brands and drives business growth. That’s how we describe what Henry Russell Bruce does for its clients. Are You Converting Your Leads Into Sales? Do you have an established...
View ArticleHTML5 and Online Games
If you’re reading this, then it’s safe to say that you’ve probably played a browser-based game before. It might have been while waiting for a download to finish, during a break, or even is something...
View ArticleExtra! Extra! This Week’s Interesting Marketing Stories!
A digest of interesting marketing stories.Google AdWords for Video Goes Beta on YouTubeYouTube has launched its beta version Google AdWords for video. The goal of this new tool is to simplify online...
View ArticleExtra! Extra! This Week’s Interesting Marketing Stories!
A digest of interesting marketing stories. Google AdWords for Video Goes Beta on YouTube YouTube has launched its beta version Google AdWords for video. The goal of this new tool is to simplify online...
View Article6 Tips for the Budding PR Professional
It's not really worth your time to avoid an issue. It’s been a few years since I entered the PR world (well, more than a few) and I had forgotten what it is like to be new to the field. I was speaking...
View Article6 Tips for the Budding PR Professional
It's not really worth your time to avoid an issue.It’s been a few years since I entered the PR world (well, more than a few) and I had forgotten what it is like to be new to the field. I was speaking...
View ArticleHow to See Who’s Linking to Your Site
A site that’s online isn’t much of a site unless people go to it. The raw visitor stats that services like Analytics and Quantcast provide sometimes aren’t enough for gauging the traffic flow to a...
View ArticleFrom the Intern: Reflections on Week 1
I have now officially been here a week. My office still looks like a storage unit and my nesting instinct is crawling with anticipation. However, I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had to time to indulge...
View ArticleBeing Part of Something Meaningful
My mom died of cancer when I was three years old. I didn’t understand the full magnitude of it until I became an adult and realized just how young 28 is to die. I probably still don’t fully understand,...
View ArticleBeing Part of Something Meaningful
My mom died of cancer when I was three years old. I didn’t understand the full magnitude of it until I became an adult and realized just how young 28 is to die. I probably still don’t fully understand,...
View ArticleLet’s Talk About Your Brand
Customers don’t buy on price alone. Ever selected a product that is more expensive compared to a similar one sitting right next to it? Ever wonder why you do that? It’s because you have got an...
View ArticleLet’s Talk About Your Brand
Customers don’t buy on price alone.Ever selected a product that is more expensive compared to a similar one sitting right next to it? Ever wonder why you do that?It’s because you have got an emotional...
View ArticleTips to Avoid the Pitfalls of Advertising during a Political Year
You can get bumped even if you’ve paid for it. As we move forward into the 2012 election year, there are several things to be aware of in the world of broadcast advertising. There are specific...
View ArticleIn the Customer’s Shoes
Getting a different perspective can provide additional insight into the matter. Photo credit: Roadtrip North of Salta: kaartje voor mn neefje by mansszatLet’s face it. We’re all consumers. We interact...
View ArticleNew paradigm = New brand.
It’s a well known yet seldom followed saying – “Practice what you preach.” But when we considered the prospect of rebranding HRB, we knew we had to follow ourselves the same advice we preach to our...
View ArticleThe New Year is Here!
We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! To kick off 2012, we want to share some of our favorite apps that we think you might like, too. You might even say that these are our favorite apps of...
View ArticleGet the Story Behind Our Recent Rebrand
View “A New Brand Story” on ScribdRelated posts:What’s your story?HRB Recognized in Press-Citizen Story on College SlogansYour Brand is an Iceberg. Why Graphic Design is Important to Your Brand.
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