DJs are a totally different type of "spin doctor", but they too know the importance of a "hook".
One of the many reasons HRB is called upon for its PR expertise is because companies are looking for strategic ideas on how to get news out about a product or service. It sounds simple, but there is usually a challenge associated with this request.
Often times, the company has not thought through what the journalist and customer want to know. Why care what the journalist wants to know? Well…they are the first barrier you have to break through if you want the customer to read about you at all. It is always a good idea to consider what makes your story compelling. Is there a national tie? Is there recent research that supports your product or service announcement? Is there a trend in your industry that you are addressing first or bucking?
For the customer, it is best to turn your release into a story about benefits and not just about the features of the product or service. What is the reason you developed (or modified) the product or service? Was it in response to customer requests, was there a problem you fixed?
This is the kind of thinking a third-party professional can bring to the table. Regardless if you see PR professionals as strategists or Spin Doctors, we still know there needs to be a “hook” to get you coverage.