We’re happy to announce that our mobile site has launched! Just point your browser to hrb-ideas.com on any mobile device, and you’ll be treated to the new mobile site. Using an iPad? Turn your iPad to landscape for the full site, or turn your iPad to portrait for the mobile site… instantly! Our site now updates which version of the site is being shown depending on your screen size instantaneously (this even works if you make your web browser too skinny to show the full site, try it out [modern web browsers only]). Of course, you can opt to always use the full site by pressing the button at the bottom of the page (it will remember your preference, and you can switch back any time). We are quite excited & proud to bring our new mobile site to everyone. If you’d like, you can even turn this into an app simply by adding it to your home screen on any iOS device. It adds it to your list of apps, and you won’t even see the web browser’s interface at that point. We’ve come to enjoy how seamless it can be alongside other apps.
Here’s some pictures of it running on a few of our devices:

Another addition to the app screen. This time with an icon that's optimized for the new iPad's Retina display.

One of our favorite features for tablet users, you can switch to the full size instantly by rotating the tablet. Don't worry about how it does this so fast... it just works!